Source code for nmrstarlib.csviewer

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


This module provides the :class:`~nmrstarlib.csviewer.CSViewer` class - Chemical Shifts Viewer
that visualizes chemical shifts values.

from graphviz import Source
from . import fileio

[docs]class CSViewer(object): """Chemical Shifts Viewer uses :meth:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.NMRStarFile.chem_shifts_by_residue` method to get chemical shifts organized by residue and visualizes chemical shifts values using the Graphviz ( DOT Languge description. """ dot_template = '''digraph {{ compound=true fontname="Inconsolata, Consolas" fontsize=10 margin="0,0" ranksep=0.2 rankdir=LR penwidth=0.5 node [fontname="Inconsolata, Consolas", fontsize=10, penwidth=0.5] edge [fontname="Inconsolata, Consolas", fontsize=10] subgraph cluster1 {{ margin="10,10" labeljust="left" node [shape=Mrecord, style=filled, colorscheme=spectral11] {{ {} }} edge [arrowhead=none] {} }} }} '''
[docs] def __init__(self, from_path, amino_acids=None, atoms=None, amino_acids_and_atoms=None, filename=None, csview_format="svg", nmrstar_version="3"): """CSViewer initializer. :param str from_path: Path to single NMR-STAR file or BMRB id. :param amino_acids: Sequence of amino acids three letter codes, e.g. 'ALA', 'GLY', 'SER', etc. Leave as `None` to include everything. :type amino_acids: :py:class:`list` or :py:class:`tuple` :param atoms: Sequence of atom types, e.g. 'CA', 'CB', 'HA', etc. Leave as `None` to include everything. :type atoms: :py:class:`list` or :py:class:`tuple` :param dict amino_acids_and_atoms: Amino acid and its atoms key-value pairs. :param str filename: Output filename chemical shifts graph to be saved. :param str csview_format: `svg`, `png`, `pdf`. See for all available formats. :param str nmrstar_version: Version of NMR-STAR format to use for look up chemichal shifts loop. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ self.from_path = from_path self.amino_acids = amino_acids self.atoms = atoms self.amino_acids_and_atoms = amino_acids_and_atoms self.filename = filename self.csview_format = csview_format self.nmrstar_version = nmrstar_version
[docs] def csview(self, view=False): """View chemical shift values organized by amino acid residue. :param view: Open in default image viewer or save file in current working directory quietly. :type view: :py:obj:`True` or :py:obj:`False` :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ for starfile in fileio.read_files(self.from_path): chains = starfile.chem_shifts_by_residue(amino_acids=self.amino_acids, atoms=self.atoms, amino_acids_and_atoms=self.amino_acids_and_atoms, nmrstar_version=self.nmrstar_version) for idx, chemshifts_dict in enumerate(chains): nodes = [] edges = [] for seq_id in chemshifts_dict: aaname = "{}_{}".format(chemshifts_dict[seq_id]["AA3Code"], seq_id) label = '"{{{}|{}}}"'.format(seq_id, chemshifts_dict[seq_id]["AA3Code"]) color = 8 aanode_entry = " {} [label={}, fillcolor={}]".format(aaname, label, color) nodes.append(aanode_entry) currnodename = aaname for atom_type in chemshifts_dict[seq_id]: if atom_type in ["AA3Code", "Seq_ID"]: continue else: atname = "{}_{}".format(aaname, atom_type) label = '"{{{}|{}}}"'.format(atom_type, chemshifts_dict[seq_id][atom_type]) if atom_type.startswith("H"): color = 4 elif atom_type.startswith("C"): color = 6 elif atom_type.startswith("N"): color = 10 else: color = 8 atnode_entry = "{} [label={}, fillcolor={}]".format(atname, label, color) nextnodename = atname nodes.append(atnode_entry) edges.append("{} -> {}".format(currnodename, nextnodename)) currnodename = nextnodename if self.filename is None: filename = "{}_{}".format(, idx) else: filename = "{}_{}".format(self.filename, idx) src = Source(self.dot_template.format("\n".join(nodes), "\n".join(edges)), format=self.csview_format) src.render(filename=filename, view=view)