Source code for nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


This module provides the :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.StarFile` superclass
and :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.NMRStarFile` and :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.CIFFile`
subclasses that store data from a single NMR-STAR file and CIF file in the form of an
:py:class:`~collections.OrderedDict`. Data can be accessed directly from the
:class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.StarFile` instance using bracket

The NMR-STAR format is a hierarchical dictionary containing data on
NMR experiments. The data is divided into a series of "saveframes"
which each contain a number of key-value pairs and "loops".

Each "saveframe" has a unique name, which is used as the key in
the dictionary, corresponding to another dictionary containing the
information in the "saveframe".  Since "loops" in NMR-Star format do
not have unique names, the keys for them inside the "saveframe" dictionary
are simply "loop_0", "loop_1", etc.

The CIF format is another STAR-derived format that is similar to NMR-STAR, 
i.e. it contains key-value pairs of data and contains "loops" but does not have 
"saveframe" data organization.

from __future__ import print_function, division
from collections import OrderedDict

import sys
import os
import io
import pprint
import json

    from .cbmrblex import bmrblex
except ImportError:
    from .bmrblex import bmrblex


[docs]def update_constants(nmrstar2cfg="", nmrstar3cfg="", resonance_classes_cfg="", spectrum_descriptions_cfg=""): """Update constant variables. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ nmrstar_constants = {} resonance_classes = {} spectrum_descriptions = {} this_directory = os.path.dirname(__file__) nmrstar2_config_filepath = os.path.join(this_directory, "conf/constants_nmrstar2.json") nmrstar3_config_filepath = os.path.join(this_directory, "conf/constants_nmrstar3.json") resonance_classes_config_filepath = os.path.join(this_directory, "conf/resonance_classes.json") spectrum_descriptions_config_filepath = os.path.join(this_directory, "conf/spectrum_descriptions.json") with open(nmrstar2_config_filepath, "r") as nmrstar2config, open(nmrstar3_config_filepath, "r") as nmrstar3config: nmrstar_constants["2"] = json.load(nmrstar2config) nmrstar_constants["3"] = json.load(nmrstar3config) with open(resonance_classes_config_filepath, "r") as config: resonance_classes.update(json.load(config)) with open(spectrum_descriptions_config_filepath, "r") as config: spectrum_descriptions.update(json.load(config)) if nmrstar2cfg: with open(nmrstar2cfg, "r") as nmrstar2config: nmrstar_constants["2"].update(json.load(nmrstar2config)) if nmrstar3cfg: with open(nmrstar2cfg, "r") as nmrstar3config: nmrstar_constants["3"].update(json.load(nmrstar3config)) if resonance_classes_cfg: with open(nmrstar2cfg, "r") as config: resonance_classes.update(json.load(config)) if spectrum_descriptions_cfg: with open(spectrum_descriptions_cfg, "r") as config: spectrum_descriptions.update(json.load(config)) NMRSTAR_CONSTANTS.update(nmrstar_constants) RESONANCE_CLASSES.update(resonance_classes) SPECTRUM_DESCRIPTIONS.update(spectrum_descriptions)
[docs]class StarFile(OrderedDict): """StarFile class that stores the data from a single NMR-STAR or CIF file in the form of an :py:class:`~collections.OrderedDict`."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): """`StarFile` initializer. Leave `frame_categories` as :py:obj:`None` to read everything. Otherwise it can be a list of saveframe categories to read, skipping the rest. :param str source: Source `StarFile` instance was created from - local file or URL address. """ super(StarFile, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
[docs] @staticmethod def read(filehandle, source): """Read data into a :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.StarFile` instance. :param filehandle: file-like object. :type filehandle: :py:class:`io.TextIOWrapper`, :py:class:`gzip.GzipFile`, :py:class:`bz2.BZ2File`, :py:class:`zipfile.ZipFile` :param str source: String indicating where file is coming from (path, url). :return: subclass of :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.StarFile`. :rtype: :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.NMRStarFile` or :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.CIFFile` """ input_str = nmrstar_str = StarFile._is_nmrstar(input_str) cif_str = StarFile._is_cif(input_str) json_str = StarFile._is_json(input_str) if not input_str: pass elif nmrstar_str: starfile = NMRStarFile(source) starfile._build_file(nmrstar_str) filehandle.close() return starfile elif cif_str: starfile = CIFFile(source) starfile._build_file(cif_str) filehandle.close() return starfile elif json_str: if u"save_" in json_str: starfile = NMRStarFile(source) starfile.update(json.loads(json_str, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)) = starfile[u"data"] filehandle.close() return starfile elif u"" in json_str: starfile = CIFFile(source) starfile.update(json.loads(json_str, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)) = starfile[u"data"] filehandle.close() return starfile else: raise TypeError("Unknown file format") else: raise TypeError("Unknown file format")
[docs] def write(self, filehandle, file_format): """Write :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.StarFile` data into file. :param filehandle: file-like object. :type filehandle: :py:class:`io.TextIOWrapper` :param str file_format: Format to use to write data: `nmrstar`, `cif`, or `json`. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ try: if file_format == "json": json_str = self._to_json() filehandle.write(json_str) elif file_format == "nmrstar" and isinstance(self, NMRStarFile): nmrstar_str = self._to_star() filehandle.write(nmrstar_str) elif file_format == "cif" and isinstance(self, CIFFile): cif_str = self._to_star() filehandle.write(cif_str) else: raise TypeError("Unknown file format.") except IOError: raise IOError('"filehandle" parameter must be writable.') filehandle.close()
[docs] def writestr(self, file_format): """Write :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.StarFile` data into string. :param str file_format: Format to use to write data: `nmrstar`, `cif`, or `json`. :return: String representing the :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.StarFile` instance. :rtype: :py:class:`str` """ try: if file_format == "json": json_str = self._to_json() return json_str elif file_format == "nmrstar" and isinstance(self, NMRStarFile): nmrstar_str = self._to_star() return nmrstar_str elif file_format == "cif" and isinstance(self, CIFFile): cif_str = self._to_star() return cif_str else: raise TypeError("Unknown file format.") except IOError: raise IOError('"filehandle" parameter must be writable.')
[docs] def print_file(self, f=sys.stdout, file_format="", tw=3): """Print :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.StarFile` into a file or stdout. :param io.StringIO f: writable file-like stream. :param str file_format: Format to use: `nmrstar`, `cif`, or `json`. :param int tw: Tab width. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must implement print method.")
[docs] def _to_json(self): """Save :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.StarFile` into JSON string. :return: JSON string. :rtype: :py:class:`str` """ return json.dumps(self, sort_keys=False, indent=4)
[docs] def _to_star(self): """Save :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.StarFile` into NMR-STAR or CIF formatted string. :return: NMR-STAR string. :rtype: :py:class:`str` """ star_str = io.StringIO() self.print_file(star_str) return star_str.getvalue()
[docs] @staticmethod def _is_nmrstar(string): """Test if input string is in NMR-STAR format. :param string: Input string. :type string: :py:class:`str` or :py:class:`bytes` :return: Input string if in NMR-STAR format or False otherwise. :rtype: :py:class:`str` or :py:obj:`False` """ if (string[0:5] == u"data_" and u"save_" in string) or (string[0:5] == b"data_" and b"save_" in string): return string return False
[docs] @staticmethod def _is_cif(string): """Test if input string is in CIF format. :param string: Input string. :type string: :py:class:`str` or :py:class:`bytes` :return: Input string if in CIF format or False otherwise. :rtype: :py:class:`str` or :py:obj:`False` """ if (string[0:5] == u"data_" and u"" in string) or (string[0:5] == b"data_" and b"" in string): return string return False
[docs] @staticmethod def _is_json(string): """Test if input string is in JSON format. :param string: Input string. :type string: :py:class:`str` or :py:class:`bytes` :return: Input string if in JSON format or False otherwise. :rtype: :py:class:`str` or :py:obj:`False` """ try: if isinstance(string, bytes): string = string.decode("utf-8") json.loads(string) elif isinstance(string, str): json.loads(string) else: raise TypeError("Expecting <class 'str'> or <class 'bytes'>, but {} was passed".format(type(string))) return string except ValueError: return False
[docs]class NMRStarFile(StarFile): """NMRStarFile class that stores the data from a single NMR-STAR file in the form of an :py:class:`~collections.OrderedDict`."""
[docs] def __init__(self, source="", frame_categories=None, *args, **kwds): """`NMRStarFile` initializer. Leave `frame_categories` as :py:obj:`None` to read everything. Otherwise it can be a list of saveframe categories to read, skipping the rest. :param str source: Source `StarFile` instance was created from - local file or URL address. :param list frame_categories: List of saveframe names. """ super(NMRStarFile, self).__init__(*args, **kwds) self.source = source self._frame_categories = frame_categories = ""
[docs] def _build_file(self, nmrstar_str): """Build :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.NMRStarFile` object. :param nmrstar_str: NMR-STAR-formatted string. :type nmrstar_str: :py:class:`str` or :py:class:`bytes` :return: instance of :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.NMRStarFile`. :rtype: :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.NMRStarFile` """ odict = self comment_count = 0 lexer = bmrblex(nmrstar_str) token = next(lexer) while token != u"": try: if token[0:5] == u"save_": name = token frame = self._build_saveframe(lexer) if frame: odict[name] = frame elif token[0:5] == u"data_": = token[5:] odict[u"data"] = elif token.lstrip().startswith(u"#"): odict[u"comment_{}".format(comment_count)] = token comment_count += 1 else: print("Error: Invalid token {}".format(token), file=sys.stderr) print("In _build_starfile try block", file=sys.stderr) raise InvalidToken("{}".format(token)) except IndexError: print("Error: Invalid token {}".format(token), file=sys.stderr) print("In _build_starfile except block", file=sys.stderr) raise finally: token = next(lexer) return self
[docs] def _build_saveframe(self, lexer): """Build NMR-STAR file saveframe. :param lexer: instance of the lexical analyzer. :type lexer: :func:`~nmrstarlib.bmrblex.bmrblex` :return: Saveframe dictionary. :rtype: :py:class:`collections.OrderedDict` """ odict = OrderedDict() loop_count = 0 token = next(lexer) while token != u"save_": try: if token[0] == u"_": # This strips off the leading underscore of tagnames for readability odict[token[1:]] = next(lexer) # Skip the saveframe if it's not in the list of wanted categories if self._frame_categories: if token == "_Saveframe_category" and odict[token[1:]] not in self._frame_categories: raise SkipSaveFrame() elif token == u"loop_": odict[u"loop_{}".format(loop_count)] = self._build_loop(lexer) loop_count += 1 elif token.lstrip().startswith(u"#"): continue else: print("Error: Invalid token {}".format(token), file=sys.stderr) print("In _build_saveframe try block", file=sys.stderr) raise InvalidToken("{}".format(token)) except IndexError: print("Error: Invalid token {}".format(token), file=sys.stderr) print("In _build_saveframe except block", file=sys.stderr) raise except SkipSaveFrame: self._skip_saveframe(lexer) odict = None finally: if odict is None: token = u"save_" else: token = next(lexer) return odict
[docs] def _build_loop(self, lexer): """Build saveframe loop. :param lexer: instance of lexical analyzer. :type lexer: :func:`~nmrstarlib.bmrblex.bmrblex` :return: Fields and values of the loop. :rtype: :py:class:`tuple` """ fields = [] values = [] token = next(lexer) while token[0] == u"_": fields.append(token[1:]) token = next(lexer) while token != u"stop_": values.append(token) token = next(lexer) assert float(len(values) / len(fields)).is_integer(), \ "Error in loop construction: number of fields must be equal to number of values." values = [OrderedDict(zip(fields, values[i:i + len(fields)])) for i in range(0, len(values), len(fields))] return fields, values
[docs] def _skip_saveframe(self, lexer): """Skip entire saveframe - keep emitting tokens until the end of saveframe. :param lexer: instance of the lexical analyzer class. :type lexer: :class:`~nmrstarlib.bmrblex.bmrblex` :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ token = u"" while token != u"save_": token = next(lexer)
[docs] def print_file(self, f=sys.stdout, file_format="nmrstar", tw=3): """Print :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.NMRStarFile` into a file or stdout. :param io.StringIO f: writable file-like stream. :param str file_format: Format to use: `nmrstar` or `json`. :param int tw: Tab width. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ if file_format == "nmrstar": for saveframe in self.keys(): if saveframe == u"data": print(u"{}_{}\n".format(saveframe, self[saveframe]), file=f) elif saveframe.startswith(u"comment"): print(u"{}".format(self[saveframe]), file=f) else: print(u"{}".format(saveframe), file=f) self.print_saveframe(saveframe, f, file_format, tw) print(u"\nsave_\n\n", file=f) elif file_format == "json": print(self._to_json(), file=f)
[docs] def print_saveframe(self, sf, f=sys.stdout, file_format="nmrstar", tw=3): """Print saveframe into a file or stdout. We need to keep track of how far over everything is tabbed. The "tab width" variable tw does this for us. :param str sf: Saveframe name. :param io.StringIO f: writable file-like stream. :param str file_format: Format to use: `nmrstar` or `json`. :param int tw: Tab width. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ if file_format == "nmrstar": for sftag in self[sf].keys(): # handle loops if sftag[:5] == "loop_": print(u"\n{}loop_".format(tw * u" "), file=f) self.print_loop(sf, sftag, f, file_format, tw * 2) print(u"\n{}stop_".format(tw * u" "), file=f) # handle the NMR-Star "multiline string" elif self[sf][sftag].endswith(u"\n"): print(u"{}_{}".format(tw * u" ", sftag), file=f) print(u";\n{};".format(self[sf][sftag]), file=f) elif len(self[sf][sftag].split()) > 1: # need to escape value with quotes (i.e. u"'{}'".format()) if value consists of two or more words print(u"{}_{}\t {}".format(tw * u" ", sftag, u"'{}'".format(self[sf][sftag])), file=f) else: print(u"{}_{}\t {}".format(tw * u" ", sftag, self[sf][sftag]), file=f) elif file_format == "json": print(json.dumps(self[sf], sort_keys=False, indent=4), file=f)
[docs] def print_loop(self, sf, sftag, f=sys.stdout, file_format="nmrstar", tw=3): """Print loop into a file or stdout. :param str sf: Saveframe name. :param str sftag: Saveframe tag, i.e. field name. :param io.StringIO f: writable file-like stream. :param str file_format: Format to use: `nmrstar` or `json`. :param int tw: Tab width. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ if file_format == "nmrstar": # First print the fields for field in self[sf][sftag][0]: print(u"{}_{}".format(tw * u" ", field), file=f) print(u"", file=f) # new line between fields and values # Then print the values for valuesdict in self[sf][sftag][1]: # need to escape value with quotes (i.e. u"'{}'".format()) if value consists of two or more words print(u"{}{}".format(tw * u" ", u" ".join([u"'{}'".format(value) if len(value.split()) > 1 else value for value in valuesdict.values()])), file=f) elif file_format == "json": print(json.dumps(self[sf][sftag], sort_keys=False, indent=4), file=f)
[docs] def chem_shifts_by_residue(self, amino_acids=None, atoms=None, amino_acids_and_atoms=None, nmrstar_version="3"): """Organize chemical shifts by amino acid residue. :param list amino_acids: List of amino acids three-letter codes. :param list atoms: List of BMRB atom type codes. :param dict amino_acids_and_atoms: Amino acid and its atoms key-value pairs. :param str nmrstar_version: Version of NMR-STAR format to use for look up chemical shifts loop. :return: List of OrderedDict per each chain :rtype: :py:class:`list` of :py:class:`collections.OrderedDict` """ if (amino_acids_and_atoms and amino_acids) or (amino_acids_and_atoms and atoms): raise ValueError('"amino_acids_and_atoms" parameter cannot be used simultaneously with ' '"amino_acids" and "atoms" parameters, one or another must be provided.') chemshifts_loop = NMRSTAR_CONSTANTS[nmrstar_version]["chemshifts_loop"] aminoacid_seq_id = NMRSTAR_CONSTANTS[nmrstar_version]["aminoacid_seq_id"] aminoacid_code = NMRSTAR_CONSTANTS[nmrstar_version]["aminoacid_code"] atom_code = NMRSTAR_CONSTANTS[nmrstar_version]["atom_code"] chemshift_value = NMRSTAR_CONSTANTS[nmrstar_version]["chemshift_value"] chains = [] for saveframe in self: if saveframe == u"data" or saveframe.startswith(u"comment"): continue else: for ind in self[saveframe].keys(): if ind.startswith(u"loop_"): if list(self[saveframe][ind][0]) == chemshifts_loop: chem_shifts_dict = OrderedDict() for entry in self[saveframe][ind][1]: residue_id = entry[aminoacid_seq_id] chem_shifts_dict.setdefault(residue_id, OrderedDict()) chem_shifts_dict[residue_id][u"AA3Code"] = entry[aminoacid_code] chem_shifts_dict[residue_id][u"Seq_ID"] = residue_id chem_shifts_dict[residue_id][entry[atom_code]] = entry[chemshift_value] chains.append(chem_shifts_dict) if amino_acids_and_atoms: for chem_shifts_dict in chains: for aa_dict in list(chem_shifts_dict.values()): if aa_dict[u"AA3Code"].upper() not in list(amino_acids_and_atoms.keys()): chem_shifts_dict.pop(aa_dict[u"Seq_ID"]) else: for resonance in list(aa_dict.keys()): if resonance in (u"AA3Code", u"Seq_ID") or resonance.upper() in amino_acids_and_atoms[aa_dict[u"AA3Code"]]: continue else: aa_dict.pop(resonance) else: if amino_acids: for chem_shifts_dict in chains: for aa_dict in list(chem_shifts_dict.values()): if aa_dict[u"AA3Code"].upper() not in amino_acids: chem_shifts_dict.pop(aa_dict[u"Seq_ID"]) if atoms: for chem_shifts_dict in chains: for aa_dict in chem_shifts_dict.values(): for resonance in list(aa_dict.keys()): if resonance in (u"AA3Code", u"Seq_ID") or resonance.upper() in atoms: continue else: aa_dict.pop(resonance) return chains
[docs]class CIFFile(StarFile): """CIFFile class that stores the data from a single CIF file in the form of an :py:class:`~collections.OrderedDict`."""
[docs] def __init__(self, source="", *args, **kwds): """`CIFFile` initializer. :param str source: Source `CIFFile` instance was created from - local file or URL address. """ super(CIFFile, self).__init__(*args, **kwds) self.source = source = ""
[docs] def _build_file(self, cif_str): """Build :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.CIFFile` object. :param cif_str: NMR-STAR-formatted string. :type cif_str: :py:class:`str` or :py:class:`bytes` :return: instance of :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.CIFFile`. :rtype: :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.CIFFile` """ odict = self comment_count = 0 loop_count = 0 lexer = bmrblex(cif_str) token = next(lexer) while token != u"": try: if token[0:5] == u"data_": = token[5:] self[u"data"] = elif token.lstrip().startswith(u"#"): odict[u"comment_{}".format(comment_count)] = token comment_count += 1 elif token[0] == u"_": # This strips off the leading underscore of tagnames for readability value = next(lexer) odict[token[1:]] = value elif token == u"loop_": odict[u"loop_{}".format(loop_count)] = self._build_loop(lexer) loop_count += 1 else: print("Error: Invalid token {}".format(token), file=sys.stderr) print("In _build_file try block", file=sys.stderr) raise InvalidToken("{}".format(token)) except IndexError: print("Error: Invalid token {}".format(token), file=sys.stderr) print("In _build_file except block", file=sys.stderr) raise finally: token = next(lexer) return self
[docs] def _build_loop(self, lexer): """Build loop. :param lexer: instance of lexical analyzer. :type lexer: :func:`~nmrstarlib.bmrblex.bmrblex` :return: Fields and values of the loop. :rtype: :py:class:`tuple` """ fields = [] values = [] token = next(lexer) while token[0] == u"_": fields.append(token[1:]) token = next(lexer) while not token.startswith(u"#"): values.append(token) token = next(lexer) assert float(len(values)/len(fields)).is_integer(), \ "Error in loop construction: number of fields must be equal to number of values." values = [OrderedDict(zip(fields, values[i:i + len(fields)])) for i in range(0, len(values), len(fields))] return fields, values
[docs] def print_file(self, f=sys.stdout, file_format="cif", tw=0): """Print :class:`~nmrstarlib.nmrstarlib.CIFFile` into a file or stdout. :param io.StringIO f: writable file-like stream. :param str file_format: Format to use: `cif` or `json`. :param int tw: Tab width. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ if file_format == "cif": for key in self.keys(): if key == u"data": print(u"{}_{}".format(key, self[key]), file=f) elif key.startswith(u"comment"): print(u"{}".format(self[key].strip()), file=f) elif key.startswith(u"loop_"): print(u"{}loop_".format(tw * u" "), file=f) self.print_loop(key, f, file_format, tw) else: # handle the NMR-Star "multiline string" if self[key].endswith(u"\n"): print(u"{}_{}".format(tw * u" ", key), file=f) print(u";{};".format(self[key]), file=f) # need to escape value with quotes (i.e. u"'{}'".format()) if value consists of two or more words elif len(self[key].split()) > 1: print(u"{}_{}\t {}".format(tw * u" ", key, u"'{}'".format(self[key])), file=f) else: print(u"{}_{}\t {}".format(tw * u" ", key, self[key]), file=f) elif file_format == "json": print(self._to_json(), file=f)
[docs] def print_loop(self, loop_number, f=sys.stdout, file_format="cif", tw=0): """Print loop into a file or stdout. :param io.StringIO f: writable file-like stream. :param str file_format: Format to use: `cif` or `json`. :param int tw: Tab width. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ if file_format == "cif": # First print the fields for field in self[loop_number][0]: print(u"{}_{}".format(tw * u" ", field), file=f) # Then print the values for valuesdict in self[loop_number][1]: # need to escape value with quotes (i.e. u"'{}'".format()) if value consists of two or more words print(u"{}{}".format(tw * u" ", u" ".join([u"'{}'".format(value) if len(value.split()) > 1 else value for value in valuesdict.values()])), file=f) print(u"{}{}".format(tw * u" ", u"# "), file=f) elif file_format == "json": print(json.dumps(self[loop_number], sort_keys=False, indent=4), file=f)
[docs]class InvalidToken(Exception):
[docs] def __init__(self, value): self.parameter = value
[docs] def __str__(self): return repr(self.parameter)
[docs]class SkipSaveFrame(Exception):
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def __str__(self): return "Skipping save frame"
[docs]def list_spectrums(): """List all available spectrum names that can be used for peak list simulation. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ for spectrum_name in sorted(SPECTRUM_DESCRIPTIONS.keys()): print(spectrum_name)
[docs]def list_spectrum_descriptions(*args): """List all available spectrum descriptions that can be used for peak list simulation. :param str args: Spectrum name(s), e.g. list_spectrum_descriptions("HNCO", "HNcoCACB"), leave empty to list everything. :return: None :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ if args: for spectrum_name in args: pprint.pprint({spectrum_name: SPECTRUM_DESCRIPTIONS.get(spectrum_name, None)}, width=120) else: pprint.pprint(SPECTRUM_DESCRIPTIONS, width=120)