Source code for nmrstarlib.bmrblex

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


This module provides :func:`~nmrstarlib.bmrblex.bmrblex` lexical analyzer for
BMRB NMR-STAR format syntax. It is implemented as Python generator-based
state machine which generates (yields) token one at a time when
:py:func:`next()` is invoked on :func:`~nmrstarlib.bmrblex.bmrblex` instance.

Simplified description of parsing rules:
   * Each word or number separated by whitespace characters is a separate BMRB token.
   * Each single quoted (') string is a separate BMRB token, it should start with a single quote (')
     and end with a single quote *always* followed by whitespace character(s).
   * Each double quoted (") string is a separate BMRB token, it should start with a double quote (")
     and end with a double quote *always* followed by whitespace character(s).
   * Single quoted and double quoted strings have to be processed separately.
   * Single quoted and double quoted strings are processed one character at a time.
   * Multiline strings start with a semicolon *always* followed by new line character and
     ending with a semicolon *always* followed by whitespace character(s).
   * Multiline strings are processed one line at a time.

.. note::
   * For a full description of NMR-STAR file format, see official documentation:
   * For a concise description of the NMR-STAR file format grammar see:

from collections import deque

def transform_text(input_txt):
    """Transforms text into :py:class:`~collections.deque`, pre-processes
    multiline strings.

    :param str or bytes input_txt: Input text.
    :return: Double-ended queue of single characters and multiline strings.
    :rtype: :py:class:`~collections.deque`
    if isinstance(input_txt, str):
        text = u"{}".format(input_txt)
    elif isinstance(input_txt, bytes):
        text = input_txt.decode("utf-8")
        raise TypeError("Expecting <class 'str'> or <class 'bytes'>, but {} was passed".format(type(input_txt)))

    inputq = deque(text.split(u"\n"))
    outputq = deque()

    while len(inputq) > 0:
        line = inputq.popleft()

        if line.lstrip().startswith(u"#"):
            comment = u"" + line + u"\n"
            line = inputq.popleft()

            while line.lstrip().startswith(u"#"):
                comment += line + u"\n"
                line = inputq.popleft()


            for character in line:

        elif line.startswith(u";"):
            multiline = u""
            multiline += line + u"\n"
            line = inputq.popleft()

            while not line.startswith(u";"):
                multiline += line + u"\n"
                line = inputq.popleft()

            multiline += line[:1]
            outputq.append(multiline[1:-1])  # remove STAR syntax from multiline string

            for character in line[1:]:

            for character in line:


    outputq.extend([u"\n", u""])  # end of file signal

    return outputq

[docs]def bmrblex(text): """A lexical analyzer for the BMRB NMR-STAR format syntax. :param text: Input text. :type text: :py:class:`str` or :py:class:`bytes` :return: Current token. :rtype: :py:class:`str` """ stream = transform_text(text) wordchars = (u"abcdfeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" u"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_" u"ßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿ" u"ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞ" u"!@$%^&*()_+:;?/>.<,~`|\{[}]-=") whitespace = u" \t\v\r\n" comment = u"#" state = u" " token = u"" single_line_comment = u"" while len(stream) > 0: nextnextchar = stream.popleft() while True: nextchar = nextnextchar if len(stream) > 0: nextnextchar = stream.popleft() else: nextnextchar = u"" # Process multiline string, comment, or single line comment if len(nextchar) > 1: state = u" " token = nextchar break # emit current token elif nextchar in whitespace and nextnextchar in comment and state not in (u"'", u'"'): single_line_comment = u"" state = u"#" if state is None: token = u"" # past end of file break elif state == u" ": if not nextchar: state = None break elif nextchar in whitespace: if token: state = u" " break # emit current token else: continue elif nextchar in wordchars: token = nextchar state = u"a" elif nextchar == u"'" or nextchar == u'"': token = nextchar state = nextchar else: token = nextchar if token: state = u" " break # emit current token else: continue # Process single-quoted or double-quoted token elif state == u"'" or state == u'"': token += nextchar if nextchar == state: if nextnextchar in whitespace: state = u" " token = token[1:-1] # remove single or double quotes from the ends break # Process single line comment elif state == u"#": single_line_comment += nextchar if nextchar == u"\n": state = u" " break # Process regular (unquoted) token elif state == u"a": if not nextchar: state = None break elif nextchar in whitespace: state = u" " if token: break # emit current token else: continue else: token += nextchar if nextnextchar: stream.appendleft(nextnextchar) yield token token = u""